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            Mobile learning through the use of wireless mobile technology allows anyone to access information and learning materials from anywhere and anytime. As a result, learners have control of when they want to learn and from which location they want to learn. Also, all humans have the right to access learning materials and information to improve their quality of life regardless of where they live, their status, and their culture. Mobile learning, through the use of mobile technology, will allow citizens of the world to access learning materials and information from anywhere and at anytime.

            Mobile learning sometimes called m-learning, is learning accomplished with the use of small, portable computing devices. These computing devices may include; smart phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and similar handheld devices.
            m-learning is a type of personal learning that has infinite possibilities; it allows more and more people to gather knowledge on the go, to realize their dreams of a better future. Mobile learning is a new and unique component of distance learning.


            “e-learning that uses mobile devices and wireless transmission.”

“Learning that happens across locations, or that takes advantage of learning opportunities offered by portable technologies.”

            Over the past ten years mobile learning has grown from a minor research interest to a set of significant projects in schools, workplaces, museums, cities and rural areas around the world. The M-Learning community is still fragmented, with different national perspectives, differences between academic and industry, and between the school, higher education and lifelong learning sectors.

Ø  Urgency of learning need
Ø  Initiative of knowledge acquisition
Ø  Mobility of learning setting
Ø  Interactivity of the learning process
Ø  Situational aspects of instructional activities
Ø  Integration of instructional content


ü  It offers an interactive learning experience where learners can interact with one another.
ü  It’s easier to accommodate several mobile devices in a classroom that several desktop computers.
ü  It is not always easy to work on a computer sitting in a far off village or town, but a mobile can be accessed anywhere.
ü  Writing with the stylus pen is more effective than using keyboard and mouse.
ü  Mobile devices can be used anywhere, anytime, including offices, homes or when in transit.
ü  This technology may contribute to combating the digital divide, as mobile devices are generally cheaper than desktop computers.
ü  Mobile technologies also support learning experiences that are collaborative, accessible, and integrated with the world beyond the classroom.
ü  Can enhance student-centered learning.
ü  Can enhance interaction between and among students and instructors.
ü  Facilitate collaboration through synchronous and asynchronous communication.


Þ    Small mobile and PDA (Personal Digital Assistants) screens limit the amount and type of information that can be displayed.
Þ    There are limited storage capacities for mobiles and PDAs.
Þ    Batteries have to be charged regularly, and data can be lost if this is not done correctly.
Þ    They can be much less robust than desktops (although tablet PCs are beginning to tackle this problem).
Þ    It’s difficult to use moving graphics, especially with mobile phones, although 3G and 4G will eventually allow this.
Þ    It’s a fast-moving market, especially for mobile phones, so devices can become out of date very quickly.
Þ    Bandwidth may degrade with a larger number of users when using wireless networks.


v  Students using mobile devices in the classroom to enhance group collaboration among students and instructors using a pocket PC.
v  On the job training for someone who accesses training on a mobile device “Just in time” to solve a problem or gain an update.
v  Learning in museums or galleries with handheld or wearable technologies.
v  Improving levels of literacy, numeracy and participation in education amongst young adults.
v  Class management through text SMS notices regarding availability of assignment results, venue changes and cancellations, etc.,

Ø  May make it easier to cheat.
Ø  Could give tech-savvy students an advantage over non-technical students.
Ø  Can create a feeling of isolation or of being out-of-the-loop for non-techies.
Ø  May require media to be reformatted or offered in multiple formats.
Ø  Might render some content outdated because of rapid upgrades-here today, outdated tomorrow.
Ø  Could require additional learning curve for non-technical students and faculty.
Ø  May be used as a new high-tech package for the same old dull and boring content.

            Mobile computing/communication devices offer a unique opportunity for teachers and students if different kinds of instructional settings to capitalize on the flexibility and freedom afforded by these devices. However, these benefits demand new pedagogies and new approaches to delivering and facilitating instruction.
            If appropriately facilitated, mobile learning can benefit learners by providing instructional materials and interaction through their mobile devices wherever and whenever they need it. Instructors also benefit in that they, too, can access serving and interact with students while on the move. To keep up with this changing phenomenon and to effectively facilitate mobile learning, argued sharma and kitchens, it is ipeperactive that instructors learn about and adapt to the changing environments, when and where appropriate.

            If you are using a mobile phone, then it’s easier to curry in along with you everwhere including the restroom. This m arks information access through this platform easy and fast.

            The data can be sent to your friends, colleagues and others  via short message you can exchanging.

This has capability of gathering data unque to the current  localition, government

Connectivity plays an extremely important role and  is the backbone  of m-learning. With the help of a strong connectivity network, one can connect to Jata collection devices, other mobile phones and to a common network.
            The most unique capability is to be able to offer customized learning information.

            The mobile learning stysem.  Includes the mobile phone broadcasting sub-system.    
And the classroom management sub-system. The system’s physical framework can be divided in to three parts classroom cluster, server, and client on mobile phone. Instructors, students and system administration are the three groups that groups that are involved in this mobile learning; and each of them plays an important role in the successful delivery of course content and materials to mobile devices.

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