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1.      To know the learner: Unless the teacher has some knowledge of the potentialities of the child, he cannot go ahead with his task. Educational psychology equips the teacher for understanding the child in the following different ways:
(a)    His interests, attitudes, aptitudes and the other acquired or innate capacities and abilities etc.
(b)    The stage of development linked with his social, emotional, intellectual, physical and aesthetic needs.
(c)    His level of aspiration.
(d)   His conscious and unconscious behaviour.
(e)    His motivational behaviour.
(f)     The aspect of his group behaviour.
(g)    His conflicts, desires and other aspects of his mental health.

2.      To select and organise the subject-matter or learning experiences: After knowing the child, when the stage is ready for educationg the child, the following questions come in the way. What types of learning experiences or learning materials are to be provided? How shoud we organise or grade the materials or learning experiences? To answer these types of questions, which belong to the area of curriculum construction, one needs the knowledge of the characteristics of the learner at each stage of his development, the nature and laws of learning etc. Which come under the domain of educational psychology.
3.      To suggest art and techniques of learning as well as teaching: After deciding about the learner and the learning material the next problem ‘how to teach or learn’ is also solved with the help of educational pschology. Educational psychology explains the process of learning and suggests the means for effective and enduring learning. It reveals how to maintain interest in the learning process. In this way it acquaints the teacher with the way of making the pupils learn and thus gives birth to the suitable methodolgy of teaching. It also suggests that not a single method or technique is suitable for all kinds of learners in all circumstances. A teacher should select a proper device or method according to the learning situations, he faces.
4.      To arrange learning situations or environment: Midway between the learner and the teacher in the educational process are the learning situations or the environment. Much depends upon the appropriateness of this midway element. The knowledge of educational psychology equips the teacher for taking care of the desirable learning situations or environment where we should have individual learning or self-study where the group learning or project work is suggested by educational psychology. The knowledge of group dynamics and group-behaviour gives the necessary are for teaching or learning in the group. In other words, the study of the impact of the learning environemt (including equipment facilities and aid material etc.) on the teaching learning process equips the teacher for taking care of the appropriate learning situations or environment.
5.      To acquaint him with the mechanism of heredity and environment: The knowledge of the role played by heredity and environment in the process of growth and development of the child, is very essential for the teacher. He can weigh their relative importance and take a balanced decisions for his work.
6.      Helping in maintaining discipline: Knowledg of educational psychology helps the teacher to have a creative type of discipline as it acquaints him with the nature of the child, his strength and weakness, his interests and aptitudes etc. On the one hand and with art and techniques of teaching and learning on the other hand. Moreover his knowledge of the needs, drives, fatique and motivational aspects of the learner and above all the knowledge of the behaviour pattern and personality characteristics of the children -all help him in the process of maintaining proper discipline.
7.      Rendering guidance services: The knowledge of educational psychology helps the teacher in rendering guidance services to the pupils. He is the person who can know the child better, even more than their parents. With the knowledge of educational psychology at his command, he is in touch with the methods of behavioural assessment and appraisal. He can better diagnose the abilities, intersts andaptitudes of his pupils and consequently have an idea of the direction and speed of their development. In this way with the help of educational psychology the teacher can show the right direction to his pupils for their total development.
8.      Helping in evaluation and assessment: While proceeding in the course of teaching-learning process, the need for evaluation is felt. After giving learning experiences to the child the behavioural changes occured in him are required to be examined and also in the beginning the potentialities are to be known. In educational psychology, as applied behavioural science, evaluation,measurement, and appraisal find its place which make the teacher well-equipped in the task of evaluation with proper professional skill.
9.      Solving class-room problems: There are innumerable problems like backwardness, tradancy, bullying, cheating in the class-room situations which are to be faced by a teacher. Educational psychology helps the teacher on this front also. The study of the characteristic of the problem children, the dynamics of the group, behavioural characteristics and adjustment etc. Equip the teacher to solve the actual class-room problems.
10.  Knowing about himself: Knowledge of educational psychology helps the teacher to know about himself. His own behaviour patter, personality characteristics, likes and dislikes, motivation, anxiety, conflicts, adjustment etc. are all revealed to him. He also learns the psychology of being a teacher and acquaints himself with the traits of a successful teacher and characteristics of effective teaching. All this knowledge helps him in growing as a successful teacher. 

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