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Compensatory education

              The goal of education is to help students acquire skills and master concepts that will be useful in daily living generally two approaches are used when instruction fails to help students learn these include Compensatory education
approaches and or remedial education approaches. Compensatory education approaches require teacher to present  material in a different format providing student  an alternative way to master a particular  concept and demonstrate knowledge. They are used when students lack the ability to acquire a certain skill concept for example a deaf student who is unable to speak may be taught sign language  as an alternate form of communication
Compensatory education is generally defined as a remedy owed to children with a disability who have been denied, a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Compensatory education may include summer services, additional therapy hours, or other measures that make the student whole for past violations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by the School District. Compensatory education is intended to be a onetime offer to compensate for past denial of FAPE and doesn’t relieve the School District of providing FAPE on a go forward basis. Thus, compensatory education should be in addition to the necessary services to provide the child FAPE in the current or future Individualized Education Programs (IEP).
Compensatory education –definition
“Compensatory education policies are intended to offset the effects of socio-economic disadvantage which may restrict the educational opportunities of children from socially deprived backgrounds.”
“educational programs intended to make up for experiences (as cultural) lacked by disadvantaged children”
Compensatory Education is a community college program designed to compensate adults with intellectual disabilities (formerly called mental retardation) who have not had an education or have received an inadequate one.  The focus of the Compensatory Education Program is on helping the individual become as independent as possible through acquiring basic and life skills needed to function successfully in daily living.
Concept of compensatory education:
§  Compensatory education in the form of supplementary instruction will be provided to selected students who are performing significantly  below expected achievement levels in language  arts, mathematics and or reading the CEP is intended to be primarily  for students  who meet the  CEP entrance requirements would be eligible to be considered for the CEP
§  The CEP is designed  to be a program of supplementary instruction  and as such will not be used to provide the primary instruction for regular  or special education students
§  An going assessment program which may include criterion referenced tests will be conducted to identify students eligible for Compensatory Education supplementary instruction   and to determine student progress and program effectiveness
§  Testing procedures used for placement and progress evaluation of students will be valid and fair
§  Compensatory Education programs will include a parent involvement component systematic procedures for annual program evaluation to include record keeping will be used to ensure maintains and improvement of Compensatory Education services
§  Compensatory Education offers supplementary  programs or services designed to help children at risk of cognitive impairment and low educational achievement reach their full potential
 Elements of Compensatory Education
Ø  Program objectives and priorities.
Ø  Student identification and selection procedures.
Ø  Instructional methods/approaches.
Ø  Instructional materials.
Ø  Exit procedures for students.
Ø  Program evaluation procedures.
Ø  Parent involvement.
Ø  Alignment and articulation with regular school program
Function of compensatory education:
                                     A CE teacher’s responsibilities could include but not be limited to the following statement of functions
ü  Provide a system evaluation
ü  Develop the instructional program with the planning committee
ü  Implement the instructional program
ü  Evaluate the extent to which the program is achieving its objectives
ü  Provide consultation services
ü  Consult with teachers
ü  Communicate with parents
ü  Encourage parent involvement
ü  Participate in professional growth and development activities
ü  Prepare and maintain records  
ü  Manage the instructional materials 

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