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Human resource management in education

Human resource management in education
            Human resource management which includes planning, development and management of human resources. Human resource management is also known by other names like personnel management, manpower management, staff management, personnel administration etc. making available quality education to all,
developing vocational skills in all students and expanding employment opportunities on a large scale are the important functions of human resource management. Unless we have a proper system of human resource management the energies released by mass education and social welfare schemes will be misdirected and partially wasted.

Definition of human resource management
            Human resource management is a set of policies, practices and programmes designed to maximize both personal and organizational goals. It is the process of binding people and organizations together so that the objectives of each are achieved. – Gupta

Strategies for human resource management
  1. Devising an educational system which imparts knowledge, skills and values to students to enable them to successfully perform their future roles in society.
  2. Providing opportunities for teamwork, social service and pursuit of excellence in all fields, will enhance human capacities.
  3. Creating awareness that everyone. It will be better in a proper social climate and inculcating values like work ethics, team spirit, pride in achievement and self-reliance.
  4. Offering career and vocational guidance to the youth by experts.
  5. Strengthening the system of supervision and feedback.
  6. Enforcing a graded system of incentives for outstanding work.
  7. Promoting equal opportunities to women, rural poor and deprived sections of society.
These strategies could be helpful in human resource management.

Functions of human resource management
Managerial functions
Ø  Planning ,
Ø  Organinising,
Ø  Directing,
Ø  Controlling
Operative functions
Ø  Job analysis
Ø  Human resource planning
Ø  Recruitment
Ø  Selection
Ø  Placement
Ø  Induction
Ø  Transfer
Ø  Promotion
Ø  Separation.

Ø  Performance appraisal
Ø  Training
Ø  Executive development
Ø  Career planning and development

Ø  Job evaluation,
Ø  Wage and salary administration
Ø  Bonus
Ø  Incentives payroll.

Ø  Motivation
Ø  job Satisfaction
Ø  Grievance redressal
Ø  Collective bargaining
Ø  Conflict management
Ø  Participation of employees
Ø  Discipline.

Ø  Health
Ø  Safety
Ø  Social security welfare
Ø  Schemes personal
Ø  Records personnel
Ø  Research personnel, and
Ø  Audit.

Need for human resource management in education
Human resource management and the institution
            Human resource management can help the institution in achieving its achieving its goals efficiently, effectively and economically.
  1. Attracting and retaining the required talent through effective human resource planning, recruitment, selection, and promotion policies.
  2. Securing willing co-operation of staff through motivation, participation and grievance handling.
  3. Developing the necessary skills and right attitudes among the staff members through training, development, and performance appraisal.
  4. Utilizing effectively the available human resources.
  5. Ensuring that the enterprise will have in future a team of competent and dedicated employees.
Human resource management and the profession
            Human resource management could be instrumental in the improvement of quality in work life. It encourages team work among the staff by providing a healthy work environment. It also helps professional growth by.
  1. Providing maximum opportunities for personal development of every staff member.
  2. Maintaining healthy relationships between individuals and among other faculty members.
  3. Allocating work in a just manner.

Human resource management and the society
            Human resource management enhances the dignity of labour and reduces social barriers by
  1. Providing suitable jobs to people and there by increase their social and psychological satisfaction.
  2. Maintaining a balance between job seekers and available jobs in each category.
  3. Elimination of waste of human resources through conservation of physical and mental health.

Human resource management and the nation
            Human resource management interacts with other subsystems like finance, technology, research, production etc. it is largely responsible for the overall development of the nation. Human resource development programmes like providing universal education, on the job training, cultivating work culture among the employees etc. it is necessary to increase job opportunities in our country.

Role of human resource management in education expansion
            Human resource management plays a key role in the quantitative expansion and qualitative improvement in education. There has been a phenomenal growth in higher education after independence and notable increase in school education.

Human resource management is concerned with the following functions
  1. Improving the health of children through free health checkups and provision of noon-meals to poor children in primary schools on an working days.
  2. Opening of primary schools in all villages with a population of 300 or more.
  3. Encouraging private initiative in the spread of education by permitting self-financing institutions.
  4. Making the national literacy movement a people’s programme.
  5. Assisting open universities and open schools.
  6. Providing special education to the challenged (handicapped)
  7. Opening alternate schools for school dropouts.
  8. Offering free scholarships to the weaker sections of society.
  9. Popularising mother tongue as the medium of instruction.
  10. Providing essential infrastructure to all primary and middle schools through “Sarva Shiksha Abiyan” a centrally sponsored nation wide scheme.
  11. Providing free hostel facilities to students from deprived sections of society.
  12. Distributing free text books, stationary and dress to poor students.

Human Resource management and qualitative improvement in education
            Several innovations and developments have taken place in education to improve the quality of teaching and learning. Some of them are as follows
  1. Joyful learning- learning through songs, dance, stories, and exploring the environment have been introduced at the primary school level.
  2. Activity methods in teaching are encouraged.
  3. Computer literacy is provided for students from Std VI onwards.
  4. English or a modern language is taught to all students at secondary school level.
  5. Job oriented courses are introduced at higher education level.
  6. New courses in health sciences, and mass communication are offered in many colleges.
  7. Self-teaching through internet, telecasts, broadcasts, studying reference books and participation in seminars are encouraged.
  8. Institutions of excellence like I.I.T.s , I.I.M.s have been established.
  9. Teachers at all levels are made to undergo refresher courses periodically.
  10. Curriculum and syllabus are revised and updated at regular intervals.
  11. Research is receiving greater attention in the universities.

Material management
            Many materials and facilities are required in the functioning of an institution. They should be made available adequately at the right time to make the institutions function smoothly and efficiently.
            Materials purchased for an institution fall under two categories (i) consumable goods and (ii) Durable goods

Consumable/Non-Durable goods
Materials like chemicals purchased for laboratories and office stationeries cannot be used repeatedly and the stock get depleted as and when we use. Electric bulbs, automobile vehicle tyres, rubber tubes etc. also fall under this category. A consumable stock register should be separately maintained indicating the details like date and quantity of different items purchased, quantity used, date of use and the signature of the person who used it.

Durable/ Non-consumable goods
Newly purchased fittings and furniture’s made of steel or wood, electrical and electronic devices, laboratory equipments, library books, computers, radios, television set etc. fall under this head. They last long and even if get damaged could be repaired for continued use. When some items of durable become unrepairable, they should be treated as condemned and deleted from the stock register with the approval of the manager/ designated higher authorities.
It is desirable to conduct internal audit every year, check physically all the materials in the stock and scrutinize various records and registers with the help of suitable teachers in the school.
Stock-checking should be undertaken in the library and laboratories also; before the commencement of summer vacation every year to verify the stock as per the entries in the registers to know the exact position regarding library books, laboratory equipments and devices. Computers and related software’s, audio-visual equipments, sports materials etc. stock registers after due verification, should be placed before the head of the institutions/ departmental heads and get the counter signed.

Human resource development and students
Ø   Identify the inherent potentials, aptitudes, interests, and talents of pupils. So that they could be properly nurtured through appropriate programmes of guidance and education
Ø   Provide adequate opportunities to students to develop their talents.
Ø   Promote students interest in different arts and crafts and develop vocational skills.
Ø   Make the pupils realize the need for social concern in addition to constantly striving for personal growth and progress.
Ø   Develop self-confidence and self-dependence in pupils.
Human resource management
            Resource management should not be narrowly construed as the optimum utilization of natural and financial resources available in the country so as to maximize the intended output. In a populous country like India, it should also include the conservation of available manpower, eliminating possible wastages either due to dispersion, degradation or under-utilization. Available manpower should also be enriched and efficiently applied with proper planning, to achieve the set objectives of national development. That is why education has been brought under the ministry of human resource development. As China is giving the same level of importance to programmes of human resource development as that being given to population control schemes it could accelerate the rate of national development.

            Making available quality education to all, developing vocational skills in all students and expanding employment opportunities on a large scale are the important functions of human resource management. Unless we have a proper system of human resource management. Unless we have a proper system of human resource management, the energies released by mass education and social welfare schemes will be misdirected and partially wasted. 

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