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Vocational guidance is a long continues process, which begins in the school. Vocational guidance is needed throughout the working life of the individual. In guidance movement, attention was first
paid to vocational guidance.

Some main aims of functions of vocational guidance for the secondary school stage are as follows:
1.     Helping pupils according to their vocational assets and liabilities
          Through a student information service, the guidance programme should assist the pupils to appraise their abilities, aptitudes, interests and personality qualities. The pupils should be helped to ‘measure’ themselves, their assets and liabilities.
2.     Helping pupils to be familiar with vocational implications of different subjects to be studied in the secondary school.
3.     Helping pupils to be familiar with occupations and their requirements
          For successful adjustment to the world of work, pupils should be helped to be familiar with occupations and their requirements. The pupils should be made familiar with the employment situation in the country, the job trends, requirements of different jobs as period of training, emoluments, conditions of work and future prospects. This knowledge will be of great help in making adjustments, and preparing proper plans for his future.
          One of the major responsibilities of the guidance worker is to bring the complex reality into focus and to help the individual to evaluate both his opportunities and his limitations. So that the transition from secondary school to the academic or vocational stream of higher secondary school or junior college is facilitated.
4.     Helping pupils to prepare themselves for entry into the careers of their choice
          As students step into the working life, they will have to be provided with information about the training facilities sufficiently in advance to avoid inconvenience.

5.     Helping pupils to get suitable jobs
          A good programme of vocational guidance should help the pupils in “getting a good start in the profession.” For this, it is necessary that schools keep themselves in touch with employment exchanges so that they are in a position to give adequate information to school leavers about the jobs available.
6.     Helping pupils to know themselves
The child is developed sufficiently to understand himself and bout the external world as he enters secondary school stage. It is the time when the real and well organized concepts should be developed about his own mind and working areas. This helps the children in planning realistically.
7.     Helping pupils to make a right choice
By counseling interview, the pupil can be help to know and evaluate his qualities. This evaluation facilitates the pupil for right choice. In this decision of right choice, both the pupil and his parents are involved. Sometimes parents need more guidance then the pupil.
8.     Occupational information in details is given to all the pupils to display centers publications, lectures by experts, occupational visits, etc.
9.     Parents of pupils are also about the courses running in the school and prospectus of different types of courses available in the country.

1.     They are given complete information about medical and paramedical courses, technical courses, courses of engineering and technology, courses related to business and industry, courses related to clerical jobs and all are mend for 10+2 pass students.
2.     Students are guided how to take admission in the above courses and what are the precondition for that. E.g. no students below   60% mark in 10+2 can appear in IIT entrance exam.
3.     Intelligence and personality of pupils are tested in order to give them a realistic suggestion whether they are capable for completing a particular exam or not.
4.     Individual record is prepared and maintained. The progress of pupils is communicated to parents also.
5.     Pupils are suggested about different options which are available for them on the basis of their abilities and efforts.
6.     Regular counseling programmes are organized for under achievers and for those who have any behavioral problem either due to physical reasons or mental ones.
7.     Orientation programmes are organized for pupils to develop interest in a particular stream and for increasing academic achievement.
8.     Parents and pupils are given assistance in changing the options within the field if possible.
9.     Students are helped in making proper planning of the career and course of study.
10.                        Information regarding the inter connection of different subjects are also given to them.

11.                        To carry on the work started in the earlier stages more intensively and vigorously. The pupils should be made aware of the opportunities open to them.
12.                        To help pupils relate their studies to the vocations that is open to them.
13.                        To help pupils make a comprehensive study of the careers on the lines they would like to pursue.
14.                        To help pupils acquaint themselves with avenues for higher education and the assistance which might be available in the form of scholarships, stipends, grants and fellowships.
15.                        To help pupils make contacts which would be helpful in putting their plans into successful operation.

1.     Misconception about the nature and scope of vocational guidance.
2.     Too much dependence on tests and IQ etc.
3.     It is difficult to break the prevailing pressure of culture. There is prestige attached to an occupation and none is prepared to forego that.
4.     There is lack for adequate information about individual potentialities.
5.     There is inadequate staffing of vocational guidance services.
6.     The process of assisting the individual to choose an appropriate occupation cannot be completed quickly. Moreover, one needs time to adjust in new position and know the effectiveness of vocational guidance.
7.     It deals with the highly complex and fast changing world of work. There are many occupations and we lack information regarding that and the person hesitates to enter into occupations which are of least demand.

The main purpose of vocational guidance is to serve the individual and society; to relevant maladjustment and dissatisfaction, and to ensure efficient use of manpower. An individual’s potentialities and discovered and developed through his own efforts for his personal happiness and social usefulness.

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