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            Our emotions play a significant role in directing and shaping our behaviour and personality. Emotional experience can be categorized into two heads positive emotions (like affection, amusement,
curiosity, joy etc) and negative emotions (like fear, anger, jealously etc). However the development of positive as well as negative emotions and the learning of their expression in a reasonable way is quite essential for our own and social well being.
            Our emotions and emotional behaviour bring us many typical physiological or bodily changes. These changes may be classified as internal physiological changes and external physiological changes. Increase or decrease in our heart beat, rate of breathing, body temperature, functioning of the brain may be termed as internal bodily changes accompanying the emotions. On the other side changes in facial expression, voice or vocal expressions are termed as external observable bodily changes. 
            Intelligence is the capacity of a person to act purposefully by thinking rationally to deal effectively with his environment. Intelligence is to understand the actual position for reacting to the problem efficiently.
            We define “intelligence” as the faculty of thought and reason. That means something that we associate with our mind.
            We define emotions as subjective : That is something that comes from our heart, literally.
            In 1990 two psychologists Peter Salovey and John mayer coined the term Emotional Intelligence. According to them Emotional Intelligence is the research ability of sensing emotions, linking them with thinking and understanding them in order to manage them together.

            According to Mayer. J.D and Salovey P. “Emotional Intelligence is a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s emotions to determine among them and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and action.
            According to Darsana “Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a person’s ability to understand his or her own emotions and of the emotions of others and to act appropriately based on this understanding”.
            The dimensions of emotional intelligence can be defined with four ‘A’s.
1. Awareness  
The ability to find what do we feel while we are feeling something.
2. Acceptance  
Accepting emotion as a physical activity evolved from the body and the mind.
3. Attitude
It shows the faith of an individual about emotion. The image of an individual’s attitude is got by emotion.
4. Action
It indicates the individual’s activity based on his emotion and attitude.
            Emotional intelligence may be defined as the capacity to reason with emotion in four areas.
i.       To perceive emotion.
ii.      To integrate it in though
iii.    To understand it and
iv.     To manage it.
            Emotional intelligence categorized into two broad competencies with their dimensions viz.

a. Intra personal competence or personal competence
1.      Self Awareness
2.      Self Management
3.      Self Motivation
b. Interpersonal competency or social competence
1.      Social Awareness
2.      Relationship Management
a. Intra personal competence or personal competence
1. Self Awareness
*       It means knowing what one feels. It is the capacity for understanding ones emotions, strengths and weakness. It helps one in making decisions with sense of self-confidence.
*       It improves ones ability to communicate and reduces incidence of misunderstanding in relationship.
2. Self Management
*       It is the capacity for effective management of one motives and regulating ones behaviour.
*       It means being able to control the unhealthy expression of negative emotions.
3. Self Motivation
*       Able to set one’s own goals and work to achieve those goals.
*       Able to set small steps to achieve large goals.
b. Interpersonal competence
1. Social Awareness
*       It is ones capacity for understanding what others say and feel and why they feel and act as they do ie) to read their emotions and understand their moods.
*       This helps one to be sensitive to and respect different view points of others.

2. Relationship Management
*       It is the capacity for acting in such a way that one is able to get desired results from others and successfully reach personal goals.
*       It helps one to interact with others smoothly. They enjoy many friends and have positive approach to life.
            For the measurement of one’s Emotional intelligence we can make use of such measures called emotional intelligence scales.
i.       Mayer Emotional Intelligence scale
ii.      Mayer, Salovey and Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test.
iii.    Bar-on Emotional Quotient Inventory.
i.       Those who have intelligence along with emotion got success in their life.
ii.      Emotional intelligence can be developed among students so that their life can be made healthier and happier.
iii.    Emotional intelligence is very helpful to meet challenging situations successfully.
iv.     It helps to understand other’s emotions in order to enhance human relations.

            Emotional intelligence is the innate potential to feel, use, communicate, recognize, remember, describe, identify, learn from, manage, understand and explain emotions. It is said to be that a person’s success in life is determined by his intelligence about 20% and the remaining 80% is determined by his emotional intelligence. In total we can summarise emotional intelligence as, knowing how to separate healthy from unhealthy feelings and how to turn negative feelings into positive ones.

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