Philosophy and education
are interdependent. Philosophy tells the
goals and essential of goal life. Educations
tell the means to
achieve those goals and learn the essentials of good
life. According to Adam “Education is
the dynamic side of philosophy.
Education is a social process. It
in compasses the whole human life”.
Meaning of philosophy:
Philosophy is the study of general
and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge,
values reason, mind and language.
Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing these questions
by its critical generally, systematic approach.
Philosophy comes from the Greek “Philosophia”. While laterally translates
to ‘love of wisdom’. A synonym of
philosophy is the “Philalethia” which translate as “love of truth”.
Etymologically the word philosophy is
derived form the Greek words “philo” means “love” and “Sophia” means “wisdom”
and collected which gives the meaning to “love of wisdom” wisdom is not the
same tings as knowledge. It is more than
discovers knowledge wisdom includes knowledge and goes beyond it to find
relationship and to discover implication some people regard it as intellectual
luxury but, in fact it is life’s necessary it helps us to understand the significances
of all human experience and activity.
Definition of Philosophy:
“Philosophy like other studies, aims
primary at knowledge”
“Philosophy is the mother of all arts and
true medicine of mind”
Meaning of Education:
word ‘Education’ has been interpreted in various ways the following are the different
interpretations given to education.
Etymological meaning of
education the word education is derived from the Latin roots as under.
1. EDUCATUM means to Train act of teaching or training.
2. EDUCERE means to lead out to draw out.
3. EDUCARE means to bring up, to rise, and to educate.
The Latin words
Education means to train ‘E’ to lead out or to bring out. To compaine the two we come to mean as to
draw from within. To mean that education
is a process which draws from within. To
be clear such child is born with some innate tendencies, capacities and
inherent powers. Education is to draw
out theses powers out and develop them to the full. Latin words’Educare’ and ‘Educere’ also mean
the same thing to bring up, to lead out and to develop etc. In this way, the word education means to develop
inborn qualities of the child to the full.
Definition of
According to T. Raymond “Education is the process of development in
which consists the passage of human being from infancy to maturity, the process
whereby he adopts himself gradually in various ways it his physical social and spiritual
“Education is
the manifestation of perfection already reached in man”
“Education is a
process by which the child makes the internal external”
Functions of
Progressive development of
innate powers
Psychologically speaking each
child is endowed with some inherent tendencies
as love,
Affection, curiosity, reasoning imagination and self-respect.
Almost all educations agree
that the first function of education is to develop these inborn
All round development of
The second important function
of educations is the total development of individual personality.
This development goes the
devotion and pursuits of the highest ideals namely, truth, beauty and goodness,
ultimately resulting in self-realization.
It may be noted that total
development of personality includes the physical mental social development
Character formation of moral
Another important
function is to develop moral qualities is the individual and build his
character as a matter of facts. It is
the basic instincts which go to form and individual character.
The fourth function of
education is to build as strong moral character of the child by moulding and
sibling his basic instincts.
Preparation for adult life;
The child of today is a citizen
of tomorrow. Hence it is the fifth
function of education to prepare a child for his future life.
In other words education
develops such abilities and capacities in the child that as the grow s orders,
he is able to confront the problems of life courageously and solve them
Inculcation of social feelings:
An individual is integrally
related to society. This is became an
individual develops himself in and through the society in which he lives.
Education alone can do this
job. The school environment and social activities
in the school develop this social feeling and spirit of social service
Other social qualities as love
fellow feeling, Kindness, co-operation, tolerance, sympathy by education and
education alone.
Aim of education:
The individual aim of education
The individual aims at the
training and perfection of the individual.
The individual should be
trained to realize himself.
Social aim of education:
Education is concerned with
social good social efficiency and citizen ship qualities
It makes the individual to know
his part in the community.
Vocational aim of education:
Education imparted should be
such that every pupil is trained to contribute to the social good.
The pupil should be trained to
become economically self-sufficient.
The cultural aim of education;
Cultural aim is the
total behavioral pattern of the society.
It is transmitted from one generation to the other spiritual refinement
should be the main target od education in addition to the activity of imbibing
the culture.
Scope of Educational Philosophy;
- Educational philosophy helps to analyses the meaning and significance of the term education.
- It has the aim and objectives of education as the content of philosophy.
- It has the curriculum of subject matter of education.
- There are several methods of education.
- In this philosophical ideals are put in to action.
Philosophy of education provides guidance
to help education to achieve the goals of education philosophy of education is
the theory of education is a general sense.
In that sense a philosophy of education is means to influence and
improve human behavior.
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