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Many countries are currently in a process of modernizing the management of public sectors. Education is one of the largest sectors in terms of personnel and recurrent expenditure and is also among the larger public sectors in terms of capital expenditure.
Strategies and activities aimed at modernization of public sector management therefore we have a significant impact on education sector management.
Of the principle features of public sector modernization, there are directly relevant for education : decentralization, international commitments, and new forms of programme-based resource allocation to education. These trends will shape the way in which the education sector will be functioning in the future.
            Decentralization implies increasing responsibilities for efficient resource management and education quality improvements at levels below the central level. However, decentralization also calls for greater responsibilities for policy making and implementation monitoring at the central level, in particular by the Ministry of education.
            The modernization of education sector management is a challenge to both the Ministry of Education and to provincial level education authorities.
The challenges are
(i)      Strengthening the professional and technical knowledge. Of staff at both levels is an essential condition for the successful modernization of education sector management.
(ii)     Management staff needs to be enable to
         a)      actively contribute to the shaping of the new functions, and
         b)      to carry out new management tasks in the areas of planning, programme preparation, and implementation monitoring.

v   To ensure that national education policies are effectively implemented and that national goals and targets are reached
v   To ensure that targets are set and reached which respond to particular needs of the province
v   To convince Ministries, provincial education reforms
v   To convince the Ministry of Finance (and other public funding sources) to provide the required funds
v   To mobilize private sector and community contribution, particularly for education sub-sectors that are not compulsory and not free (e.g. Secondary Education and Pre-school)
Ø   To obtain a comprehensive factual and analytical overview of the present situation
Ø   To set the targets to be reached during the planning period.
Ø   To assess the resource implications of the proposed targets.
Ø   To assess the resource gap.
Ø   To outline implantation action programmes.
Ø   To evaluate progress made during plan implementation
Ø   To write the plan document and given it adequate layout.
 *ACCESS          * QUALITY             *MANAGEMENT

            ACCESS covers all actions required in order to attain those targets which are directly aimed at ensuring that every child of school age is enrolled in school and has the possibility of completing the full education cycle. The operational area ACCESS comprises actions needed to ensure that every child enrolled in the first grade of the cycle stays in school for the entire primary cycle. The actions include construction of schools, provision of teachers, provision of teaching and learning materials, and particular provisions for specific population groups such as ethnic minority groups. QUALITY comprises all actions needed to attain those targets that are specifically aimed at improving the quality of education. These actions concern curriculum development, teaching-learning materials, teacher training, students, assessment, and special actions for specific population groups. MANAGEMENT concerns actions that are specifically aimed at improving the management of education at all levels. This includes planning.
Decentralized educational planning and management
(a) Grama panchayat
1.      Grama panchayat will be formed by for a village or a group of villages. The panchayat will have elected representatives. Besides, each panchayat may constitute a village education committee (VEC) which would be responsible for administration of the delegated programmes in the field of education at the village level.
2.      The major responsibility of the VECs should be operationalization of house survey and periodic discussion with the parents. It should be the endeavor of the committee that every child in every family participates in the primary education. In these activities will be provided expert guidance and support by DIET.
The State governments may consider entrusting the following functions of the VEO
1.      Generation and sustenance of awareness among the village community ensuring participation  of  all segments of population and developing teacher/instructor and community partnership to oversee and manage the effective and regular functioning of the schools and centers.
2.      In view of the critical role and functions of VEC, it should be vested with appropriate statutory and necessary financial and administrative authority.
(b)Block panchayat
It is observed that the block level set of educational administration is very weak almost all over the country. The supervisors often have little contact with the schools.  The routine administrative duties such as collecting statistics, is bursement of salaries, posting and transfer of the staff take up most of their time.
The following steps be taken to improve the functioning of block level education set up
1.      Norms, not only on the basis off number of schools but also number of teachers should be evolved through systematic studies so that the block level education officer may effectively cope with his administrative responsibilities and supervisory functions.
2.      Most of the time block level education officers is spent on routine administrative work. Their duties may be laid down in detail so that their support for the academic programmes gets due importance.

(c)District Panchayat
1.      The jurisdiction of a district for the educational purpose may be co-terminus with its revenue jurisdiction.
2.      The big districts would be divided into sub-educational districts but these will be coordinated and controlled by a chief education officer (CEO) for the whole district. He will look all after levels of education-primary, middle, secondary and higher secondary, nor-formal and adult education.
3.      The planning and statistics branch of CEO will be provided with computer facilities for educational management information system (EMIS)
Advantage of decentralization
1.      It will create awakening and a feeling of self-dependence.
2.      It will inculcate qualities of responsible behaviour and loyalty in the employees and authorities of administration.
3.      It makes familiarity with the needs of the people easier and shape education accordingly.
4.      It makes a possible regarding educational affairs and policies.
5.      As the main responsibility of education his lies with the people and local units, so the government has to bear lesser burden of education expenditure.
Disadvantage of decentralization
1.      As the educational system is generally influenced by local opinion, soften, the tendency of favouritism towards a particular class, caste, community, religion, race or political party is generated in and children of all the areas do not get equal educational opportunity.
2.      Indian situation is not suitable for it. There is much difference in different regions. Here are economic inequalities between different classes of society. All the local units are not equally rich in resources. While the rich local units can make better arrangement. Poor units fail in their educational effects. Decentralization at primary level is a glaring example of the fact that Indian conditions are not suitable for decentralization in education.
In the decentralized Indian educational system educational supervision and control should be effective. However, the education commissions appointed from time to time for studying the prevailing educational system and to advise improvement in it, have bitterly criticized the control and supervision system. Following is a critical estimate of the existing system.


The decentralized system has been implemented in all parts of the country. The success of this decentralized system of evaluation depends on how the monitoring agencies such as the government at the centre and state level with its officials to coordinate it, and the educational institution/school management at the local level respond to it with the help of principal, teaching and non-teaching staff, parents, students and local society at large.

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