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            Personal guidance is needed in case of personal problems. It aims at social and emotional well-being of the pupils. Hence, it is need is rooted in the emotional disturbance or emotional imbalance of the pupils.
Just as the focus of educational problems and educational guidance  is the matters related to students’ education, the focus of vocational problems and vocational guidance is the matters related to individual’s vocation, the focus of personal problems and personal guidance is the matters related to his person, his inner life and own behaviours. These ;problems’ particularly pertain to his behaviours  which are unwanted and undesirable from the point of view of his adjustment in any field, his home, school, health, social, etc.
                         Personal guidance may be defined as helping students with psychological difficulties, conflicts and problems of daily life, understanding their behaviour and the factors underlying them and understanding the students needs which determined the kind and the nature of the problem. All these from the very basis and rationale of the personal guidance service.
Nature of personal guidance
v  Personal guidance is the help given to the individual to solve is personal problems. In every school are found quite a few students who are emotionally maladjusted and are unable to make satisfactory social adjustment. They, for that reason, fail to make full use of their potentialities. Some may have developed un-desirable habits so as to become a problem to their parents and teachers.
v  Personal guidance services make an effort to spot out these maladjusted and the problem children in the school. Through the diagnostic psychological testing and the sociological information from the home and the school an attempt is made to find out the root cause of the treble.
v  In less severe cases the counsellor arranges counselling interviews with the individual and tries to rehabilitate him.
v   In case the cause of the problem lays with the home environment the counsellor of the parents and tries to change their attitudes towards the child.
v  Counselling of the parents, sometimes, becomes inevitable. Suggestions are made to them as to how they can themselves help the child.
v   If the cause of the problem is found to lie with the classroom factors, the counsellor works with the teachers and suggests to them how they can help the child. Difficult and serious cases are, however, referred to professional clinical psychologists or psychiatrists in the hospitals.
v  Personal guidance is the assistance given to any individual to sol e his emotional problems and to assist him to control his emotions. Controlled emotion is the most significant characteristic of a mentally healthy individual. An individual having control over his emotions when threatened with conflicts and frustration is able to maintain a mental balance by working against stress.
v  The students who are in the adolescent period of their growth and development exhibit heightened emotionality. At times they lose their control over very trivial matters. They become extremely emotional went the situation causes intense feelings. Several factors like failure in love, unsatisfactory academic performance, maladjustment at home and wit peers cause emotional problems.
v  Anxiety and frustration in students also result in emotional tensions. These may be accompanied by irritability and tendency for emotional outbursts. Their heightened emotionality may be due to environmental and social factors. Students at this stage feel the urgency of breaking down old habit of tout and action. They are upset during the period of adjustment. Once they explore certain copying mechanisms of adjustment, the excessive emotionally usually disappears. Students greatly need assistance in understanding the various copying mechanisms of adjustment.
Objectives of personal guidance:
A well organised emotional guidance programme tin institutions may serve the following purpose;
-          To assist to understand and resolve their emotional problems.
-          To assist students in exploring various mechanisms of adjustment.
-          To assist students to get control over emotions.
1.      Good health through well balanced diet
2.      Proper sleep and rest
3.      Desire for friends and social acceptance.
4.      Feeling of security and recognition of home and school.
5.      Development of self-discipline.
6.      Distinguishing right from wrong.
7.      Knowledge of fundamental skills.
8.      Good leisure time activities.
9.      Love for healthy games.
Ø  Efforts should be made at this stage for offering personal guidance for all kinds of adjustment at school and at home.
Ø   During adolescence, awkward physical canes take place. Hence personal guidance is required for young boys and girls to adopt themselves to these changes.
Ø  Young boys and girls should be helped to develop interest in healthy recreational activities and games.
Ø  Adolescents should be given assistance an acquiring qualities of leadership.
Ø  Adolescents develop interest in opposite sex and this interest should be properly guided. Necessary sex education should be given to adolescents by teachers and guidance workers.
Ø  Adolescents should be guided to be able to earn their livelihood after passing secondary stage.
Ø  Adolescents should be helped to develop the spirit of service for mankind. This spirit also includes the service of the country.

Higher secondary level
ü  Aware of the sex problems.
ü  The teacher must give the moral advice.
ü  The teacher helps the students in solving the personal and social adjustment problems at this level
ü  The teacher gives the vocational guidance.
Primary level
·         To make the children aware of their health.
·         To develop their ability to learn and understand.
·         To acquaint them with vocational skills.
·         To assist them in the utilization of leisure time.
·         The awareness towards discipline.
Secondary level
1.      To assist the student in adjustment with their environment
2.      To assist the student in adjustment with teachers, friends etc.
3.      To assist the student in the development of moral and social qualities
4.      To acquaint the students with their abilities and interests.
5.      To assist the students in developing the creative traits.
Higher secondary level
1.      To assist the student in the initial study of different occupations
2.      To guide the students for healthy recreation
3.      To assist the students in inculcating self confidence and necessary qualities for becoming able citizens
4.      To assist the students in inculcating healthy social and religious outlook

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