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Education of the Socially Disadvantaged People

Education of the Socially Disadvantaged People
            Socially disadvantaged are those people in the community who are under privileged and deprived of normal human comforts.  They do not enjoy satisfactory economic, social and cultural status and are hence
subject to all sorts of harassments, difficulties, exploitations and limitations in their lives.  Such people constitute the weaker section of the society and are marked by severe economic and cultural deprivations.
Common problems of the Scheduled Caste people
            The Society of the Scheduled Caste people have seen less, read less, heard less and their environmental experiences are impoverished.  Most of the children belonging to these communities come from very poor families where they cannot get one square meal a day, toys, medical care, amusement, love, care etc. However these people work hard their income is very less since they were involved in laborious works. Most of the families don’t possess land or shelter.  They are working as the coolies in the farms of the landlords.
Common problems of the Tribal people
            Each tribe generally lives on a primitive level; the economy is at the subsistence level.  Each tribe has its own set of religious beliefs.  Tribes are generally inferior to the lowest castes.  Most of the tribes are directly dependent on land, pastures, jungles or hills for their subsistence. 
            The social, cultural, economic and political changes have not so far affected the tribal people of India significantly with a very few exceptions.  Age-old social institutions of the tribes like the tribal panchayat, rule of the elderly males and male headship in the family and their moral codes are still intact because of the force of tradition.
Suggestions or Recommendations offered by various Committees to achieve Universalisation of Elementary Education
Conference on Compensatory Education for Cultural Deprivation (Chicago University) - 1964
1.    Each child should be assured of an adequate break-fast, a mid-day meal, regular medical and health check-up and adequate clothing.
2.    Nursery schools should be organized to provide culturally deprived children with an environment conducive to intellectual development.
3.    Culturally disadvantaged adolescents, who experience a lot of difficulty with the regular school curricula, should have a school programme which emphasizes the basic skills of language reading.  They should be permitted to specialize in an area in an area in which they are very much interested.
Kothari Education Commission 1964-1966
1.    Common School system will be open to all children irrespective of caste, creed, community, religion, region and economic or social status.
2.    Access to good education in terms on enriched curriculum will depend not on wealth but on talent.
3.    No tuition fees will be charged.
4.    School will meet the needs and aspirations of the middle and lower classes without unduly taxing them.
5.    School will make for better social integration and the creation of an egalitarian society.
Aacharya Ramamurthi Committee (1990) and Janardhana Reddy Committee (1992) which reviewed the National Policy on Education (1986)
1.    Linking early childhood care and education
2.    Easy access to primary schools and middle schools
3.    Non-formalisation of the school
4.    Provision for easier access to water, fuel and fodder
5.    Ensuring involvement of Village Education Committees in formalizing the schools

6.    Provision of Scholarships, Uniforms, Text-books

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