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This approach of instructional designs was evolved in Second World War. The term Cybernetic denotes discipline associated with ‘communication and control’. It suggests concern with component elements of a system which may function together to produce the most effective integrated system.

The term Cybernetic has been coined from the Greek word Kubernetes meaning steer man. The function of steer man is to steer the ship or boat in a right way in a right direction. This means that the person should have proper control over the steering function. In the similar way, the teacher is the steersman of the teaching-learning process. He has to take along with him the pupils for reaching a set goal by steering out a learning path. For this purpose, the instructional system he chooses must be appropriately controlled. While working with system, if he gets feedback that the system is working properly in terms of output, it will be steered with no change. But if he gets communication that there is something wrong with the system, he will try to set it right. For this purpose, he may have to bring changes in his own method of teaching, the size of quality of the content or learning experiences, interaction with his students, etc. and again the system is put to work after being corrected.

Norbert Weiner defined cybernetics as “a flexible, self –adapting mechanism which is capable of storing information and changing its responses according to the changing environment in which it is placed.”

Cybernetic theory views an individual as a feedback system which generates its activities in order to detect and control specific stimulus characteristics of the environment. It analyses intrinsic mechanism by which control is established and sensory feedback mechanism maintained. The focus of the whole theory is the dynamic feedback and self regulation. All systems include at least three basic elements; input, process and output
1.      The input unit; It provides some process by which material or information’s entered the system
2.      The process unit; It acts on the material of information to modify it in any way.
3.      The output unit; It consists of some technique for discharging the results of process from the system. The output is called feedback.

The open loop system is not a self corrective automatic system because it is not able to communicate and provide feedback about its working.
Input                    Process                     Output
 The Cybernetic system stands for the closed loop system, in which, the output from a system can be effectively returned as input for controlling the future output. It is referred as feedback. This type of effective and dynamic feedback is available only in the closed loop system and it is the central nerve of the Cybernetics approach.

Process              output

The Cybernetic theory and mechanism can be properly applied to the process of instruction for making it a self regulatory, self corrective and auto instructional system. Let us see how it can happen.
·         Ordinarily, the teaching or instruction as a system may be supposed to have three major elements-input, process and output
·         The input elements of the instructional system here will consist of the learning experiences (in the shape of set curriculum, syllabus, etc.) to be given to the students, their needs and entry behavior , the objectives of teaching, the teacher, the instructional methods, the material and material resources, and the teaching learning environment.
·         In process part, the actual instructional work will be carried out by involving and making use of the input material – human and physical.
·         The output part of the teaching or instructional system will bring the outcomes of the instructional process in the form of the students’ responses, their gain in knowledge acquisition of skills, change in attitude and interest, etc. It will throw light on the effectiveness of the system for the realization of the set instructional objectives.
1.      It enables the teacher to understand some of the fundamental mechanisms which control learning.
2.      The principles of cybernetics are applied for classroom instruction for group as well as individual learning
3.      It provides the basis for self education. The feedback control is used to develop programmed instructional material.
4.      Cybernetic principles are used for developing remedial instruction or individualized instructional material
5.      Teacher education programme can be improved by employing innovative practices like micro-teaching, stimulated social skill teaching and interaction analysis which are based on the theory of feedback.
The following are the major implications of Cybernetic in education;
1.      It is applied in group as well as individual classroom instruction
2.      It enables the teacher to understand some of the fundamental mechanism that control learning.
3.      It provides the basis for self education. The feedback control is used to develop programmed instructional material.
4.      Its principles are used in developing remedial instruction or individualized instructional material.
5.      Teacher-education programme can be improved by employing the mechanism of feedback devices for the modification of teacher behavior
6.      The innovative practices in education programme such as micro teaching, stimulated social skill teaching and interactional analysis are based on the theory of feedback
7.      The input, process and output units of teaching enable the teacher to understand and analyze teaching in more scientific manner
8.      Teaching activities can be made highly structured and well organized in view of learning objectives.

The teacher has to consider all the factors which generate appropriate teaching situation. Thus, Cybernetic concept is most useful for developing design of training programs for complex behavior.

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